Module c3d.header
Defines the header class used for reading, writing and tracking metadata in the .c3d header.
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Defines the header class used for reading, writing and tracking metadata in the .c3d header.
import sys
import struct
import numpy as np
from .utils import UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE, DEC_to_IEEE
class Header(object):
'''Header information from a C3D file.
event_block : int
Index of the 512-byte block where labels (metadata) are found.
parameter_block : int
Index of the 512-byte block where parameters (metadata) are found.
data_block : int
Index of the 512-byte block where data starts.
point_count : int
Number of motion capture channels recorded in this file.
analog_count : int
Number of analog values recorded per frame of 3D point data.
first_frame : int
Index of the first frame of data.
last_frame : int
Index of the last frame of data.
analog_per_frame : int
Number of analog frames per frame of 3D point data. The analog frame
rate (ANALOG:RATE) is equivalent to the point frame rate (POINT:RATE)
times the analog per frame value.
frame_rate : float
The frame rate of the recording, in frames per second.
scale_factor : float
Multiply values in the file by this scale parameter.
long_event_labels : bool
max_gap : int
.. note::
The ``scale_factor`` attribute is not used in Phasespace C3D files;
instead, use the POINT.SCALE parameter.
.. note::
The ``first_frame`` and ``last_frame`` header attributes are not used in
C3D files generated by Phasespace. Instead, the first and last
frame numbers are stored in the POINTS:ACTUAL_START_FIELD and
# Read/Write header formats, read values as unsigned ints rather then floats.
def __init__(self, handle=None):
'''Create a new Header object.
handle : file handle, optional
If given, initialize attributes for the Header from this file
handle. The handle must be seek-able and readable. If `handle` is
not given, Header attributes are initialized with default values.
self.parameter_block = 2
self.data_block = 3
self.point_count = 50
self.analog_count = 0
self.first_frame = 1
self.last_frame = 1
self.analog_per_frame = 0
self.frame_rate = 60.0
self.max_gap = 0
self.scale_factor = -1.0
self.long_event_labels = False
self.event_count = 0
self.event_block = b''
self.event_timings = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float32)
self.event_disp_flags = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.bool)
self.event_labels = []
if handle:
def write(self, handle):
'''Write binary header data to a file handle.
This method writes exactly 512 bytes to the beginning of the given file
handle : file handle
The given handle will be reset to 0 using `seek` and then 512 bytes
will be written to describe the parameters in this Header. The
handle must be writeable.
# Pack vars:
self.long_event_labels and 0x3039 or 0x0, # If True write long_event_key else 0
def __str__(self):
'''Return a string representation of this Header's attributes.'''
return '''\
parameter_block: {0.parameter_block}
point_count: {0.point_count}
analog_count: {0.analog_count}
first_frame: {0.first_frame}
last_frame: {0.last_frame}
max_gap: {0.max_gap}
scale_factor: {0.scale_factor}
data_block: {0.data_block}
analog_per_frame: {0.analog_per_frame}
frame_rate: {0.frame_rate}
long_event_labels: {0.long_event_labels}
event_block: {0.event_block}'''.format(self)
def read(self, handle, fmt=BINARY_FORMAT_READ):
'''Read and parse binary header data from a file handle.
This method reads exactly 512 bytes from the beginning of the given file
handle : file handle
The given handle will be reset to 0 using `seek` and then 512 bytes
will be read to initialize the attributes in this Header. The handle
must be readable.
fmt : Formating string used to read the header.
If the magic byte from the header is not 80 (the C3D magic value).
raw =
_) = struct.unpack(fmt, raw)
# Check magic number
assert magic == 80, 'C3D magic {} != 80 !'.format(magic)
# Check long event key
self.long_event_labels = self.long_event_labels == 0x3039
def _processor_convert(self, dtypes, handle):
''' Function interpreting the header once a processor type has been determined.
if dtypes.is_dec:
self.scale_factor = DEC_to_IEEE(self.scale_factor)
self.frame_rate = DEC_to_IEEE(self.frame_rate)
float_unpack = DEC_to_IEEE
elif dtypes.is_ieee:
self.scale_factor = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE(self.scale_factor)
self.frame_rate = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE(self.frame_rate)
float_unpack = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE
elif dtypes.is_mips:
# Re-read header in big-endian, Header.BINARY_FORMAT_READ_BIG_ENDIAN)
# Then unpack
self.scale_factor = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE(self.scale_factor)
self.frame_rate = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE(self.frame_rate)
float_unpack = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE
self._parse_events(dtypes, float_unpack)
def _parse_events(self, dtypes, float_unpack):
''' Parse the event section of the header.
# Event section byte blocks
time_bytes = self.event_block[:72]
disp_bytes = self.event_block[72:90]
label_bytes = self.event_block[92:]
if dtypes.is_mips:
unpack_fmt = '>I'
unpack_fmt = '<I'
read_count = self.event_count
self.event_timings = np.zeros(read_count, dtype=np.float32)
self.event_disp_flags = np.zeros(read_count, dtype=np.bool)
self.event_labels = np.empty(read_count, dtype=object)
for i in range(read_count):
ilong = i * 4
# Unpack
self.event_disp_flags[i] = disp_bytes[i] > 0
self.event_timings[i] = float_unpack(struct.unpack(unpack_fmt, time_bytes[ilong:ilong + 4])[0])
self.event_labels[i] = dtypes.decode_string(label_bytes[ilong:ilong + 4])
def events(self):
''' Get an iterable over displayed events defined in the header. Iterable items are on form (timing, label).
Time as defined by the 'timing' is relative to frame 1 and not the 'first_frame' parameter.
Frame 1 therefor has the time 0.0 in relation to the event timing.
return zip(self.event_timings[self.event_disp_flags], self.event_labels[self.event_disp_flags])
def encode_events(self, events):
''' Encode event data in the event block.
events : [(float, str), ...]
Event data, iterable of touples containing the event timing and a 4 character label string.
Event timings should be calculated relative to sample 1 with the timing 0.0s, and should
not be relative to the first_frame header parameter.
endian = '<'
if sys.byteorder == 'big':
endian = '>'
# Event block format
fmt = '{}{}{}{}{}'.format(endian,
str(18 * 4) + 's', # Timings
str(18) + 's', # Flags
'H', # __
str(18 * 4) + 's' # Labels
# Pack bytes
event_timings = np.zeros(18, dtype=np.float32)
event_disp_flags = np.zeros(18, dtype=np.uint8)
event_labels = np.empty(18, dtype=object)
label_bytes = bytearray(18 * 4)
for i, (time, label) in enumerate(events):
if i > 17:
# Don't raise Error, header events are rarely used.
warnings.warn('Maximum of 18 events can be encoded in the header, skipping remaining events.')
event_timings[i] = time
event_labels[i] = label
label_bytes[i * 4:(i + 1) * 4] = label.encode('utf-8')
write_count = min(i + 1, 18)
event_disp_flags[:write_count] = 1
# Update event headers in self
self.long_event_labels = 0x3039 # Magic number
self.event_count = write_count
# Update event block
self.event_timings = event_timings[:write_count]
self.event_disp_flags = np.ones(write_count, dtype=np.bool)
self.event_labels = event_labels[:write_count]
self.event_block = struct.pack(fmt,
class Header (handle=None)
Header information from a C3D file.
- Index of the 512-byte block where labels (metadata) are found.
- Index of the 512-byte block where parameters (metadata) are found.
- Index of the 512-byte block where data starts.
- Number of motion capture channels recorded in this file.
- Number of analog values recorded per frame of 3D point data.
- Index of the first frame of data.
- Index of the last frame of data.
- Number of analog frames per frame of 3D point data. The analog frame rate (ANALOG:RATE) is equivalent to the point frame rate (POINT:RATE) times the analog per frame value.
- The frame rate of the recording, in frames per second.
- Multiply values in the file by this scale parameter.
attribute is not used in Phasespace C3D files; instead, use the POINT.SCALE parameter.Note
header attributes are not used in C3D files generated by Phasespace. Instead, the first and last frame numbers are stored in the POINTS:ACTUAL_START_FIELD and POINTS:ACTUAL_END_FIELD parameters.Create a new Header object.
:file handle
, optional- If given, initialize attributes for the Header from this file
handle. The handle must be seek-able and readable. If
is not given, Header attributes are initialized with default values.
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class Header(object): '''Header information from a C3D file. Attributes ---------- event_block : int Index of the 512-byte block where labels (metadata) are found. parameter_block : int Index of the 512-byte block where parameters (metadata) are found. data_block : int Index of the 512-byte block where data starts. point_count : int Number of motion capture channels recorded in this file. analog_count : int Number of analog values recorded per frame of 3D point data. first_frame : int Index of the first frame of data. last_frame : int Index of the last frame of data. analog_per_frame : int Number of analog frames per frame of 3D point data. The analog frame rate (ANALOG:RATE) is equivalent to the point frame rate (POINT:RATE) times the analog per frame value. frame_rate : float The frame rate of the recording, in frames per second. scale_factor : float Multiply values in the file by this scale parameter. long_event_labels : bool max_gap : int .. note:: The ``scale_factor`` attribute is not used in Phasespace C3D files; instead, use the POINT.SCALE parameter. .. note:: The ``first_frame`` and ``last_frame`` header attributes are not used in C3D files generated by Phasespace. Instead, the first and last frame numbers are stored in the POINTS:ACTUAL_START_FIELD and POINTS:ACTUAL_END_FIELD parameters. ''' # Read/Write header formats, read values as unsigned ints rather then floats. BINARY_FORMAT_WRITE = '<BBHHHHHfHHf274sHHH164s44s' BINARY_FORMAT_READ = '<BBHHHHHIHHI274sHHH164s44s' BINARY_FORMAT_READ_BIG_ENDIAN = '>BBHHHHHIHHI274sHHH164s44s' def __init__(self, handle=None): '''Create a new Header object. Parameters ---------- handle : file handle, optional If given, initialize attributes for the Header from this file handle. The handle must be seek-able and readable. If `handle` is not given, Header attributes are initialized with default values. ''' self.parameter_block = 2 self.data_block = 3 self.point_count = 50 self.analog_count = 0 self.first_frame = 1 self.last_frame = 1 self.analog_per_frame = 0 self.frame_rate = 60.0 self.max_gap = 0 self.scale_factor = -1.0 self.long_event_labels = False self.event_count = 0 self.event_block = b'' self.event_timings = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float32) self.event_disp_flags = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.bool) self.event_labels = [] if handle: def write(self, handle): '''Write binary header data to a file handle. This method writes exactly 512 bytes to the beginning of the given file handle. Parameters ---------- handle : file handle The given handle will be reset to 0 using `seek` and then 512 bytes will be written to describe the parameters in this Header. The handle must be writeable. ''' handle.write(struct.pack(self.BINARY_FORMAT_WRITE, # Pack vars: self.parameter_block, 0x50, self.point_count, self.analog_count, self.first_frame, self.last_frame, self.max_gap, self.scale_factor, self.data_block, self.analog_per_frame, self.frame_rate, b'', self.long_event_labels and 0x3039 or 0x0, # If True write long_event_key else 0 self.event_count, 0x0, self.event_block, b'')) def __str__(self): '''Return a string representation of this Header's attributes.''' return '''\ parameter_block: {0.parameter_block} point_count: {0.point_count} analog_count: {0.analog_count} first_frame: {0.first_frame} last_frame: {0.last_frame} max_gap: {0.max_gap} scale_factor: {0.scale_factor} data_block: {0.data_block} analog_per_frame: {0.analog_per_frame} frame_rate: {0.frame_rate} long_event_labels: {0.long_event_labels} event_block: {0.event_block}'''.format(self) def read(self, handle, fmt=BINARY_FORMAT_READ): '''Read and parse binary header data from a file handle. This method reads exactly 512 bytes from the beginning of the given file handle. Parameters ---------- handle : file handle The given handle will be reset to 0 using `seek` and then 512 bytes will be read to initialize the attributes in this Header. The handle must be readable. fmt : Formating string used to read the header. Raises ------ AssertionError If the magic byte from the header is not 80 (the C3D magic value). ''' raw = (self.parameter_block, magic, self.point_count, self.analog_count, self.first_frame, self.last_frame, self.max_gap, self.scale_factor, self.data_block, self.analog_per_frame, self.frame_rate, _, self.long_event_labels, self.event_count, __, self.event_block, _) = struct.unpack(fmt, raw) # Check magic number assert magic == 80, 'C3D magic {} != 80 !'.format(magic) # Check long event key self.long_event_labels = self.long_event_labels == 0x3039 def _processor_convert(self, dtypes, handle): ''' Function interpreting the header once a processor type has been determined. ''' if dtypes.is_dec: self.scale_factor = DEC_to_IEEE(self.scale_factor) self.frame_rate = DEC_to_IEEE(self.frame_rate) float_unpack = DEC_to_IEEE elif dtypes.is_ieee: self.scale_factor = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE(self.scale_factor) self.frame_rate = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE(self.frame_rate) float_unpack = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE elif dtypes.is_mips: # Re-read header in big-endian, Header.BINARY_FORMAT_READ_BIG_ENDIAN) # Then unpack self.scale_factor = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE(self.scale_factor) self.frame_rate = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE(self.frame_rate) float_unpack = UNPACK_FLOAT_IEEE self._parse_events(dtypes, float_unpack) def _parse_events(self, dtypes, float_unpack): ''' Parse the event section of the header. ''' # Event section byte blocks time_bytes = self.event_block[:72] disp_bytes = self.event_block[72:90] label_bytes = self.event_block[92:] if dtypes.is_mips: unpack_fmt = '>I' else: unpack_fmt = '<I' read_count = self.event_count self.event_timings = np.zeros(read_count, dtype=np.float32) self.event_disp_flags = np.zeros(read_count, dtype=np.bool) self.event_labels = np.empty(read_count, dtype=object) for i in range(read_count): ilong = i * 4 # Unpack self.event_disp_flags[i] = disp_bytes[i] > 0 self.event_timings[i] = float_unpack(struct.unpack(unpack_fmt, time_bytes[ilong:ilong + 4])[0]) self.event_labels[i] = dtypes.decode_string(label_bytes[ilong:ilong + 4]) @property def events(self): ''' Get an iterable over displayed events defined in the header. Iterable items are on form (timing, label). Note*: Time as defined by the 'timing' is relative to frame 1 and not the 'first_frame' parameter. Frame 1 therefor has the time 0.0 in relation to the event timing. ''' return zip(self.event_timings[self.event_disp_flags], self.event_labels[self.event_disp_flags]) def encode_events(self, events): ''' Encode event data in the event block. Parameters ---------- events : [(float, str), ...] Event data, iterable of touples containing the event timing and a 4 character label string. Event timings should be calculated relative to sample 1 with the timing 0.0s, and should not be relative to the first_frame header parameter. ''' endian = '<' if sys.byteorder == 'big': endian = '>' # Event block format fmt = '{}{}{}{}{}'.format(endian, str(18 * 4) + 's', # Timings str(18) + 's', # Flags 'H', # __ str(18 * 4) + 's' # Labels ) # Pack bytes event_timings = np.zeros(18, dtype=np.float32) event_disp_flags = np.zeros(18, dtype=np.uint8) event_labels = np.empty(18, dtype=object) label_bytes = bytearray(18 * 4) for i, (time, label) in enumerate(events): if i > 17: # Don't raise Error, header events are rarely used. warnings.warn('Maximum of 18 events can be encoded in the header, skipping remaining events.') break event_timings[i] = time event_labels[i] = label label_bytes[i * 4:(i + 1) * 4] = label.encode('utf-8') write_count = min(i + 1, 18) event_disp_flags[:write_count] = 1 # Update event headers in self self.long_event_labels = 0x3039 # Magic number self.event_count = write_count # Update event block self.event_timings = event_timings[:write_count] self.event_disp_flags = np.ones(write_count, dtype=np.bool) self.event_labels = event_labels[:write_count] self.event_block = struct.pack(fmt, event_timings.tobytes(), event_disp_flags.tobytes(), 0, label_bytes )
Class variables
Instance variables
var events
Get an iterable over displayed events defined in the header. Iterable items are on form (timing, label).
Note*: Time as defined by the 'timing' is relative to frame 1 and not the 'first_frame' parameter. Frame 1 therefor has the time 0.0 in relation to the event timing.
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@property def events(self): ''' Get an iterable over displayed events defined in the header. Iterable items are on form (timing, label). Note*: Time as defined by the 'timing' is relative to frame 1 and not the 'first_frame' parameter. Frame 1 therefor has the time 0.0 in relation to the event timing. ''' return zip(self.event_timings[self.event_disp_flags], self.event_labels[self.event_disp_flags])
def encode_events(self, events)
Encode event data in the event block.
:[(float, str), …]
- Event data, iterable of touples containing the event timing and a 4 character label string. Event timings should be calculated relative to sample 1 with the timing 0.0s, and should not be relative to the first_frame header parameter.
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def encode_events(self, events): ''' Encode event data in the event block. Parameters ---------- events : [(float, str), ...] Event data, iterable of touples containing the event timing and a 4 character label string. Event timings should be calculated relative to sample 1 with the timing 0.0s, and should not be relative to the first_frame header parameter. ''' endian = '<' if sys.byteorder == 'big': endian = '>' # Event block format fmt = '{}{}{}{}{}'.format(endian, str(18 * 4) + 's', # Timings str(18) + 's', # Flags 'H', # __ str(18 * 4) + 's' # Labels ) # Pack bytes event_timings = np.zeros(18, dtype=np.float32) event_disp_flags = np.zeros(18, dtype=np.uint8) event_labels = np.empty(18, dtype=object) label_bytes = bytearray(18 * 4) for i, (time, label) in enumerate(events): if i > 17: # Don't raise Error, header events are rarely used. warnings.warn('Maximum of 18 events can be encoded in the header, skipping remaining events.') break event_timings[i] = time event_labels[i] = label label_bytes[i * 4:(i + 1) * 4] = label.encode('utf-8') write_count = min(i + 1, 18) event_disp_flags[:write_count] = 1 # Update event headers in self self.long_event_labels = 0x3039 # Magic number self.event_count = write_count # Update event block self.event_timings = event_timings[:write_count] self.event_disp_flags = np.ones(write_count, dtype=np.bool) self.event_labels = event_labels[:write_count] self.event_block = struct.pack(fmt, event_timings.tobytes(), event_disp_flags.tobytes(), 0, label_bytes )
def read(self, handle, fmt='<BBHHHHHIHHI274sHHH164s44s')
Read and parse binary header data from a file handle.
This method reads exactly 512 bytes from the beginning of the given file handle.
:file handle
- The given handle will be reset to 0 using
and then 512 bytes will be read to initialize the attributes in this Header. The handle must be readable.
fmt : Formating string used to read the header.
- If the magic byte from the header is not 80 (the C3D magic value).
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def read(self, handle, fmt=BINARY_FORMAT_READ): '''Read and parse binary header data from a file handle. This method reads exactly 512 bytes from the beginning of the given file handle. Parameters ---------- handle : file handle The given handle will be reset to 0 using `seek` and then 512 bytes will be read to initialize the attributes in this Header. The handle must be readable. fmt : Formating string used to read the header. Raises ------ AssertionError If the magic byte from the header is not 80 (the C3D magic value). ''' raw = (self.parameter_block, magic, self.point_count, self.analog_count, self.first_frame, self.last_frame, self.max_gap, self.scale_factor, self.data_block, self.analog_per_frame, self.frame_rate, _, self.long_event_labels, self.event_count, __, self.event_block, _) = struct.unpack(fmt, raw) # Check magic number assert magic == 80, 'C3D magic {} != 80 !'.format(magic) # Check long event key self.long_event_labels = self.long_event_labels == 0x3039
def write(self, handle)
Write binary header data to a file handle.
This method writes exactly 512 bytes to the beginning of the given file handle.
:file handle
- The given handle will be reset to 0 using
and then 512 bytes will be written to describe the parameters in this Header. The handle must be writeable.
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def write(self, handle): '''Write binary header data to a file handle. This method writes exactly 512 bytes to the beginning of the given file handle. Parameters ---------- handle : file handle The given handle will be reset to 0 using `seek` and then 512 bytes will be written to describe the parameters in this Header. The handle must be writeable. ''' handle.write(struct.pack(self.BINARY_FORMAT_WRITE, # Pack vars: self.parameter_block, 0x50, self.point_count, self.analog_count, self.first_frame, self.last_frame, self.max_gap, self.scale_factor, self.data_block, self.analog_per_frame, self.frame_rate, b'', self.long_event_labels and 0x3039 or 0x0, # If True write long_event_key else 0 self.event_count, 0x0, self.event_block, b''))