Module c3d.writer
Contains the Writer class for writing C3D files.
Expand source code
'''Contains the Writer class for writing C3D files.'''
import copy
import numpy as np
import struct
# import warnings
from . import utils
from .manager import Manager
from .dtypes import DataTypes
class Writer(Manager):
'''This class writes metadata and frames to a C3D file.
For example, to read an existing C3D file, apply some sort of data
processing to the frames, and write out another C3D file::
>>> r = c3d.Reader(open('data.c3d', 'rb'))
>>> w = c3d.Writer()
>>> w.add_frames(process_frames_somehow(r.read_frames()))
>>> with open('smoothed.c3d', 'wb') as handle:
>>> w.write(handle)
point_rate : float, optional
The frame rate of the data. Defaults to 480.
analog_rate : float, optional
The number of analog samples per frame. Defaults to 0.
point_scale : float, optional
The scale factor for point data. Defaults to -1 (i.e., "check the
POINT:SCALE parameter").
point_units : str, optional
The units that the point numbers represent. Defaults to ``'mm '``.
gen_scale : float, optional
General scaling factor for analog data. Defaults to 1.
def __init__(self,
'''Set minimal metadata for this writer.
self._dtypes = DataTypes() # Only support INTEL format from writing
super(Writer, self).__init__()
# Header properties
self._header.frame_rate = np.float32(point_rate)
self._header.scale_factor = np.float32(point_scale)
self.analog_rate = analog_rate
self._frames = []
def from_reader(reader, conversion=None):
''' Convert a `c3d.reader.Reader` to a persistent `c3d.writer.Writer` instance.
source : `c3d.reader.Reader`
Source to copy data from.
conversion : str
Conversion mode, None is equivalent to the default mode. Supported modes are:
'convert' - (Default) Convert the Reader to a Writer
instance and explicitly delete the Reader.
'copy' - Reader objects will be deep copied.
'copy_metadata' - Similar to 'copy' but only copies metadata and
not point and analog frame data.
'copy_shallow' - Similar to 'copy' but group parameters are
not copied.
'copy_header' - Similar to 'copy_shallow' but only the
header is copied (frame data is not copied).
param : `c3d.writer.Writer`
A writeable and persistent representation of the `c3d.reader.Reader` object.
If mode string is not equivalent to one of the supported modes.
If attempting to convert non-Intel files using mode other than 'shallow_copy'.
writer = Writer()
# Modes
is_header_only = conversion == 'copy_header'
is_meta_copy = conversion == 'copy_metadata'
is_meta_only = is_header_only or is_meta_copy
is_consume = conversion == 'convert' or conversion is None
is_shallow_copy = conversion == 'shallow_copy' or is_header_only
is_deep_copy = conversion == 'copy' or is_meta_copy
# Verify mode
if not (is_consume or is_shallow_copy or is_deep_copy):
raise ValueError(
"Unknown mode argument %s. Supported modes are: 'consume', 'copy', or 'shallow_copy'".format(
if not reader._dtypes.is_ieee and not is_shallow_copy:
# Can't copy/consume non-Intel files due to the uncertainty of converting parameter data.
raise ValueError(
"File was read in %s format and only 'shallow_copy' mode is supported for non Intel files!".format(
if is_consume:
writer._header = reader._header
writer._groups = reader._groups
elif is_deep_copy:
writer._header = copy.deepcopy(reader._header)
writer._groups = copy.deepcopy(reader._groups)
elif is_shallow_copy:
# Only copy header (no groups)
writer._header = copy.deepcopy(reader._header)
# Reformat header events
# Transfer a minimal set parameters
gen_scale, analog_scales, analog_offsets = reader.get_analog_transform_parameters()
if not is_meta_only:
# Copy frames
for (i, point, analog) in reader.read_frames(copy=True, camera_sum=False):
writer.add_frames((point, analog))
if is_consume:
# Cleanup
reader._header = None
reader._groups = None
del reader
return writer
def analog_rate(self):
return super(Writer, self).analog_rate
def analog_rate(self, value):
per_frame_rate = value / self.point_rate
assert float(per_frame_rate).is_integer(), "Analog rate must be a multiple of the point rate."
self._header.analog_per_frame = np.uint16(per_frame_rate)
def numeric_key_max(self):
''' Get the largest numeric key.
num = 0
if len(self._groups) > 0:
for i in self._groups.keys():
if isinstance(i, int):
num = max(i, num)
return num
def numeric_key_next(self):
''' Get a new unique numeric group key.
return self.numeric_key_max + 1
def get_create(self, label):
''' Get or create a parameter ``.'''
label = label.upper()
group = self.get(label)
if group is None:
group = self.add_group(self.numeric_key_next, label, label + ' group')
return group
def point_group(self):
''' Get or create the POINT parameter group.'''
return self.get_create('POINT')
def analog_group(self):
''' Get or create the ANALOG parameter group.'''
return self.get_create('ANALOG')
def trial_group(self):
''' Get or create the TRIAL parameter group.'''
return self.get_create('TRIAL')
def add_group(self, group_id, name, desc):
'''Add a new parameter group. See Manager.add_group() for more information.
group : ``
An editable group instance.
return super(Writer, self)._add_group(group_id, name, desc)
def rename_group(self, *args):
''' Rename a specified parameter group (see Manager._rename_group for args). '''
super(Writer, self)._rename_group(*args)
def remove_group(self, *args):
'''Remove the parameter group. (see Manager._rename_group for args). '''
super(Writer, self)._remove_group(*args)
def add_frames(self, frames, index=None):
'''Add frames to this writer instance.
frames : Single or sequence of (point, analog) pairs
A sequence or frame of frame data to add to the writer.
index : int or None
Insert the frame or sequence at the index (the first sequence frame will be inserted at the given `index`).
Note that the index should be relative to 0 rather then the frame number provided by read_frames()!
sh = np.shape(frames)
# Single frame
if len(sh) < 2:
frames = [frames]
sh = np.shape(frames)
# Check data shapes match
if len(self._frames) > 0:
point0, analog0 = self._frames[0]
psh, ash = np.shape(point0), np.shape(analog0)
for f in frames:
if np.shape(f[0]) != psh:
raise ValueError(
'Shape of analog data does not previous frames. Expexted shape {}, was {}.'.format(
str(psh), str(np.shape(f[0]))
if np.shape(f[1]) != ash:
raise ValueError(
'Shape of analog data does not previous frames. Expexted shape {}, was {}.'.format(
str(ash), str(np.shape(f[1]))
# Sequence of invalid shape
if sh[1] != 2:
raise ValueError(
'Expected frame input to be sequence of point and analog pairs on form (None, 2). ' +
'Input was of shape {}.'.format(str(sh)))
if index is not None:
self._frames[index:index] = frames
def set_point_labels(self, labels):
''' Set point data labels.
labels : iterable
Set POINT:LABELS parameter entry from a set of string labels.
grp = self.point_group
if labels is None:
grp.add_empty_array('LABELS', 'Point labels.')
label_str, label_max_size = utils.pack_labels(labels)
grp.add_str('LABELS', 'Point labels.', label_str, label_max_size, len(labels))
def set_analog_labels(self, labels):
''' Set analog data labels.
labels : iterable
Set ANALOG:LABELS parameter entry from a set of string labels.
grp = self.analog_group
if labels is None:
grp.add_empty_array('LABELS', 'Analog labels.')
label_str, label_max_size = utils.pack_labels(labels)
grp.add_str('LABELS', 'Analog labels.', label_str, label_max_size, len(labels))
def set_analog_general_scale(self, value):
''' Set ANALOG:GEN_SCALE factor (uniform analog scale factor).
self.analog_group.set('GEN_SCALE', 'Analog general scale factor', 4, '<f', value)
def set_analog_scales(self, values):
''' Set ANALOG:SCALE factors (per channel scale factor).
values : iterable or None
Iterable containing individual scale factors (float32) for scaling analog channel data.
if utils.is_iterable(values):
data = np.array([v for v in values], dtype=np.float32)
self.analog_group.set_array('SCALE', 'Analog channel scale factors', data)
elif values is None:
self.analog_group.set_empty_array('SCALE', 'Analog channel scale factors')
raise ValueError('Expected iterable containing analog scale factors.')
def set_analog_offsets(self, values):
''' Set ANALOG:OFFSET offsets (per channel offset).
values : iterable or None
Iterable containing individual offsets (int16) for encoding analog channel data.
if utils.is_iterable(values):
data = np.array([v for v in values], dtype=np.int16)
self.analog_group.set_array('OFFSET', 'Analog channel offsets', data)
elif values is None:
self.analog_group.set_empty_array('OFFSET', 'Analog channel offsets')
raise ValueError('Expected iterable containing analog data offsets.')
def set_start_frame(self, frame=1):
''' Set the 'TRIAL:ACTUAL_START_FIELD' parameter and header.first_frame entry.
frame : int
Number for the first frame recorded in the file.
Frame counter for a trial recording always start at 1 for the first frame.
self.trial_group.set('ACTUAL_START_FIELD', 'Actual start frame', 2, '<I', frame, 2)
if frame < 65535:
self._header.first_frame = np.uint16(frame)
self._header.first_frame = np.uint16(65535)
def _set_last_frame(self, frame):
''' Sets the 'TRIAL:ACTUAL_END_FIELD' parameter and header.last_frame entry.
self.trial_group.set('ACTUAL_END_FIELD', 'Actual end frame', 2, '<I', frame, 2)
self._header.last_frame = np.uint16(min(frame, 65535))
def set_screen_axis(self, X='+X', Y='+Y'):
''' Set the X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN parameters in the POINT group.
X : str
Two byte string with first character indicating positive or negative axis (+/-),
and the second axis (X/Y/Z). Example strings '+X' or '-Y'
Y : str
Second axis string with same format as Y. Determines the second Y screen axis.
if len(X) != 2:
raise ValueError('Expected string literal to be a 2 character string for the X_SCREEN parameter.')
if len(Y) != 2:
raise ValueError('Expected string literal to be a 2 character string for the Y_SCREEN parameter.')
group = self.point_group
group.set_str('X_SCREEN', 'X_SCREEN parameter', X)
group.set_str('Y_SCREEN', 'Y_SCREEN parameter', Y)
def write(self, handle):
'''Write metadata, point and analog frames to a file handle.
handle : file
Write metadata and C3D motion frames to the given file handle. The
writer does not close the handle.
if not self._frames:
raise RuntimeError('Attempted to write empty file.')
points, analog = self._frames[0]
ppf = len(points)
apf = len(analog)
first_frame = self.first_frame
if first_frame <= 0: # Bad value
first_frame = 1
nframes = len(self._frames)
last_frame = first_frame + nframes - 1
UINT16_MAX = 65535
# POINT group
group = self.point_group
group.set('USED', 'Number of point samples', 2, '<H', ppf)
group.set('FRAMES', 'Total frame count', 2, '<H', min(UINT16_MAX, nframes))
if nframes >= UINT16_MAX:
# Should be floating point
group.set('LONG_FRAMES', 'Total frame count', 4, '<f', nframes)
elif 'LONG_FRAMES' in group:
# Docs states it should not exist if frame_count < 65535
group.set('DATA_START', 'First data block containing frame samples.', 2, '<H', 0)
group.set('SCALE', 'Point data scaling factor', 4, '<f', self.point_scale)
group.set('RATE', 'Point data sample rate', 4, '<f', self.point_rate)
# Optional
if 'UNITS' not in group:
group.add_str('UNITS', 'Units used for point data measurements.', 'mm')
if 'DESCRIPTIONS' not in group:
group.add_str('DESCRIPTIONS', 'Channel descriptions.', ' ' * ppf, 2, ppf)
# ANALOG group
group = self.analog_group
group.set('USED', 'Analog channel count', 2, '<H', apf)
group.set('RATE', 'Analog samples per second', 4, '<f', self.analog_rate)
if 'GEN_SCALE' not in group:
# Optional
if 'SCALE' not in group:
if 'OFFSET' not in group:
if 'DESCRIPTIONS' not in group:
group.add_str('DESCRIPTIONS', 'Channel descriptions.', ' ' * apf, 2, apf)
# TRIAL group
# sync parameter information to header.
start_block = self.parameter_blocks() + 2
self.get('POINT:DATA_START').bytes = struct.pack('<H', start_block)
self._header.data_block = np.uint16(start_block)
self._header.point_count = np.uint16(ppf)
self._header.analog_count = np.uint16(
def _pad_block(self, handle):
'''Pad the file with 0s to the end of the next block boundary.'''
extra = handle.tell() % 512
if extra:
handle.write(b'\x00' * (512 - extra))
def _write_metadata(self, handle):
'''Write metadata to a file handle.
handle : file
Write metadata and C3D motion frames to the given file handle. The
writer does not close the handle.
# Header
assert handle.tell() == 512
# Groups
'BBBB', 0, 0, self.parameter_blocks(), self._dtypes.processor))
for group_id, group in self.listed():
group._data.write(group_id, handle)
# Padding
while handle.tell() != 512 * (self.header.data_block - 1):
handle.write(b'\x00' * 512)
def _write_frames(self, handle):
'''Write our frame data to the given file handle.
handle : file
Write metadata and C3D motion frames to the given file handle. The
writer does not close the handle.
assert handle.tell() == 512 * (self._header.data_block - 1)
scale_mag = abs(self.point_scale)
is_float = self.point_scale < 0
if is_float:
point_dtype = self._dtypes.float32
point_scale = 1.0
point_dtype = self._dtypes.int16
point_scale = scale_mag
raw = np.zeros((self.point_used, 4), point_dtype)
analog_scales, analog_offsets = self.get_analog_transform()
analog_scales_inv = 1.0 / analog_scales
for points, analog in self._frames:
# Transform point data
valid = points[:, 3] >= 0.0
raw[~valid, 3] = -1
raw[valid, :3] = points[valid, :3] / point_scale
raw[valid, 3] = np.bitwise_or(np.rint(points[valid, 3] / scale_mag).astype(np.uint8),
(points[valid, 4].astype(np.uint16) << 8),
# Transform analog data
analog = analog * analog_scales_inv + analog_offsets
analog = analog.T
# Write
analog = analog.astype(point_dtype)
class Writer (point_rate=480.0, analog_rate=0.0, point_scale=-1.0)
This class writes metadata and frames to a C3D file.
For example, to read an existing C3D file, apply some sort of data processing to the frames, and write out another C3D file::
>>> r = c3d.Reader(open('data.c3d', 'rb')) >>> w = c3d.Writer() >>> w.add_frames(process_frames_somehow(r.read_frames())) >>> with open('smoothed.c3d', 'wb') as handle: >>> w.write(handle)
, optional- The frame rate of the data. Defaults to 480.
, optional- The number of analog samples per frame. Defaults to 0.
, optional- The scale factor for point data. Defaults to -1 (i.e., "check the POINT:SCALE parameter").
, optional- The units that the point numbers represent. Defaults to
'mm '
. gen_scale
, optional- General scaling factor for analog data. Defaults to 1.
Set minimal metadata for this writer.
Expand source code
class Writer(Manager): '''This class writes metadata and frames to a C3D file. For example, to read an existing C3D file, apply some sort of data processing to the frames, and write out another C3D file:: >>> r = c3d.Reader(open('data.c3d', 'rb')) >>> w = c3d.Writer() >>> w.add_frames(process_frames_somehow(r.read_frames())) >>> with open('smoothed.c3d', 'wb') as handle: >>> w.write(handle) Parameters ---------- point_rate : float, optional The frame rate of the data. Defaults to 480. analog_rate : float, optional The number of analog samples per frame. Defaults to 0. point_scale : float, optional The scale factor for point data. Defaults to -1 (i.e., "check the POINT:SCALE parameter"). point_units : str, optional The units that the point numbers represent. Defaults to ``'mm '``. gen_scale : float, optional General scaling factor for analog data. Defaults to 1. ''' def __init__(self, point_rate=480., analog_rate=0., point_scale=-1.): '''Set minimal metadata for this writer. ''' self._dtypes = DataTypes() # Only support INTEL format from writing super(Writer, self).__init__() # Header properties self._header.frame_rate = np.float32(point_rate) self._header.scale_factor = np.float32(point_scale) self.analog_rate = analog_rate self._frames = [] @staticmethod def from_reader(reader, conversion=None): ''' Convert a `c3d.reader.Reader` to a persistent `c3d.writer.Writer` instance. Parameters ---------- source : `c3d.reader.Reader` Source to copy data from. conversion : str Conversion mode, None is equivalent to the default mode. Supported modes are: 'convert' - (Default) Convert the Reader to a Writer instance and explicitly delete the Reader. 'copy' - Reader objects will be deep copied. 'copy_metadata' - Similar to 'copy' but only copies metadata and not point and analog frame data. 'copy_shallow' - Similar to 'copy' but group parameters are not copied. 'copy_header' - Similar to 'copy_shallow' but only the header is copied (frame data is not copied). Returns ------- param : `c3d.writer.Writer` A writeable and persistent representation of the `c3d.reader.Reader` object. Raises ------ ValueError If mode string is not equivalent to one of the supported modes. If attempting to convert non-Intel files using mode other than 'shallow_copy'. ''' writer = Writer() # Modes is_header_only = conversion == 'copy_header' is_meta_copy = conversion == 'copy_metadata' is_meta_only = is_header_only or is_meta_copy is_consume = conversion == 'convert' or conversion is None is_shallow_copy = conversion == 'shallow_copy' or is_header_only is_deep_copy = conversion == 'copy' or is_meta_copy # Verify mode if not (is_consume or is_shallow_copy or is_deep_copy): raise ValueError( "Unknown mode argument %s. Supported modes are: 'consume', 'copy', or 'shallow_copy'".format( conversion )) if not reader._dtypes.is_ieee and not is_shallow_copy: # Can't copy/consume non-Intel files due to the uncertainty of converting parameter data. raise ValueError( "File was read in %s format and only 'shallow_copy' mode is supported for non Intel files!".format( reader._dtypes.proc_type )) if is_consume: writer._header = reader._header writer._groups = reader._groups elif is_deep_copy: writer._header = copy.deepcopy(reader._header) writer._groups = copy.deepcopy(reader._groups) elif is_shallow_copy: # Only copy header (no groups) writer._header = copy.deepcopy(reader._header) # Reformat header events writer._header.encode_events( # Transfer a minimal set parameters writer.set_start_frame(reader.first_frame) writer.set_point_labels(reader.point_labels) writer.set_analog_labels(reader.analog_labels) gen_scale, analog_scales, analog_offsets = reader.get_analog_transform_parameters() writer.set_analog_general_scale(gen_scale) writer.set_analog_scales(analog_scales) writer.set_analog_offsets(analog_offsets) if not is_meta_only: # Copy frames for (i, point, analog) in reader.read_frames(copy=True, camera_sum=False): writer.add_frames((point, analog)) if is_consume: # Cleanup reader._header = None reader._groups = None del reader return writer @property def analog_rate(self): return super(Writer, self).analog_rate @analog_rate.setter def analog_rate(self, value): per_frame_rate = value / self.point_rate assert float(per_frame_rate).is_integer(), "Analog rate must be a multiple of the point rate." self._header.analog_per_frame = np.uint16(per_frame_rate) @property def numeric_key_max(self): ''' Get the largest numeric key. ''' num = 0 if len(self._groups) > 0: for i in self._groups.keys(): if isinstance(i, int): num = max(i, num) return num @property def numeric_key_next(self): ''' Get a new unique numeric group key. ''' return self.numeric_key_max + 1 def get_create(self, label): ''' Get or create a parameter ``.''' label = label.upper() group = self.get(label) if group is None: group = self.add_group(self.numeric_key_next, label, label + ' group') return group @property def point_group(self): ''' Get or create the POINT parameter group.''' return self.get_create('POINT') @property def analog_group(self): ''' Get or create the ANALOG parameter group.''' return self.get_create('ANALOG') @property def trial_group(self): ''' Get or create the TRIAL parameter group.''' return self.get_create('TRIAL') def add_group(self, group_id, name, desc): '''Add a new parameter group. See Manager.add_group() for more information. Returns ------- group : `` An editable group instance. ''' return super(Writer, self)._add_group(group_id, name, desc) def rename_group(self, *args): ''' Rename a specified parameter group (see Manager._rename_group for args). ''' super(Writer, self)._rename_group(*args) def remove_group(self, *args): '''Remove the parameter group. (see Manager._rename_group for args). ''' super(Writer, self)._remove_group(*args) def add_frames(self, frames, index=None): '''Add frames to this writer instance. Parameters ---------- frames : Single or sequence of (point, analog) pairs A sequence or frame of frame data to add to the writer. index : int or None Insert the frame or sequence at the index (the first sequence frame will be inserted at the given `index`). Note that the index should be relative to 0 rather then the frame number provided by read_frames()! ''' sh = np.shape(frames) # Single frame if len(sh) < 2: frames = [frames] sh = np.shape(frames) # Check data shapes match if len(self._frames) > 0: point0, analog0 = self._frames[0] psh, ash = np.shape(point0), np.shape(analog0) for f in frames: if np.shape(f[0]) != psh: raise ValueError( 'Shape of analog data does not previous frames. Expexted shape {}, was {}.'.format( str(psh), str(np.shape(f[0])) )) if np.shape(f[1]) != ash: raise ValueError( 'Shape of analog data does not previous frames. Expexted shape {}, was {}.'.format( str(ash), str(np.shape(f[1])) )) # Sequence of invalid shape if sh[1] != 2: raise ValueError( 'Expected frame input to be sequence of point and analog pairs on form (None, 2). ' + 'Input was of shape {}.'.format(str(sh))) if index is not None: self._frames[index:index] = frames else: self._frames.extend(frames) def set_point_labels(self, labels): ''' Set point data labels. Parameters ---------- labels : iterable Set POINT:LABELS parameter entry from a set of string labels. ''' grp = self.point_group if labels is None: grp.add_empty_array('LABELS', 'Point labels.') else: label_str, label_max_size = utils.pack_labels(labels) grp.add_str('LABELS', 'Point labels.', label_str, label_max_size, len(labels)) def set_analog_labels(self, labels): ''' Set analog data labels. Parameters ---------- labels : iterable Set ANALOG:LABELS parameter entry from a set of string labels. ''' grp = self.analog_group if labels is None: grp.add_empty_array('LABELS', 'Analog labels.') else: label_str, label_max_size = utils.pack_labels(labels) grp.add_str('LABELS', 'Analog labels.', label_str, label_max_size, len(labels)) def set_analog_general_scale(self, value): ''' Set ANALOG:GEN_SCALE factor (uniform analog scale factor). ''' self.analog_group.set('GEN_SCALE', 'Analog general scale factor', 4, '<f', value) def set_analog_scales(self, values): ''' Set ANALOG:SCALE factors (per channel scale factor). Parameters ---------- values : iterable or None Iterable containing individual scale factors (float32) for scaling analog channel data. ''' if utils.is_iterable(values): data = np.array([v for v in values], dtype=np.float32) self.analog_group.set_array('SCALE', 'Analog channel scale factors', data) elif values is None: self.analog_group.set_empty_array('SCALE', 'Analog channel scale factors') else: raise ValueError('Expected iterable containing analog scale factors.') def set_analog_offsets(self, values): ''' Set ANALOG:OFFSET offsets (per channel offset). Parameters ---------- values : iterable or None Iterable containing individual offsets (int16) for encoding analog channel data. ''' if utils.is_iterable(values): data = np.array([v for v in values], dtype=np.int16) self.analog_group.set_array('OFFSET', 'Analog channel offsets', data) elif values is None: self.analog_group.set_empty_array('OFFSET', 'Analog channel offsets') else: raise ValueError('Expected iterable containing analog data offsets.') def set_start_frame(self, frame=1): ''' Set the 'TRIAL:ACTUAL_START_FIELD' parameter and header.first_frame entry. Parameters ---------- frame : int Number for the first frame recorded in the file. Frame counter for a trial recording always start at 1 for the first frame. ''' self.trial_group.set('ACTUAL_START_FIELD', 'Actual start frame', 2, '<I', frame, 2) if frame < 65535: self._header.first_frame = np.uint16(frame) else: self._header.first_frame = np.uint16(65535) def _set_last_frame(self, frame): ''' Sets the 'TRIAL:ACTUAL_END_FIELD' parameter and header.last_frame entry. ''' self.trial_group.set('ACTUAL_END_FIELD', 'Actual end frame', 2, '<I', frame, 2) self._header.last_frame = np.uint16(min(frame, 65535)) def set_screen_axis(self, X='+X', Y='+Y'): ''' Set the X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN parameters in the POINT group. Parameters ---------- X : str Two byte string with first character indicating positive or negative axis (+/-), and the second axis (X/Y/Z). Example strings '+X' or '-Y' Y : str Second axis string with same format as Y. Determines the second Y screen axis. ''' if len(X) != 2: raise ValueError('Expected string literal to be a 2 character string for the X_SCREEN parameter.') if len(Y) != 2: raise ValueError('Expected string literal to be a 2 character string for the Y_SCREEN parameter.') group = self.point_group group.set_str('X_SCREEN', 'X_SCREEN parameter', X) group.set_str('Y_SCREEN', 'Y_SCREEN parameter', Y) def write(self, handle): '''Write metadata, point and analog frames to a file handle. Parameters ---------- handle : file Write metadata and C3D motion frames to the given file handle. The writer does not close the handle. ''' if not self._frames: raise RuntimeError('Attempted to write empty file.') points, analog = self._frames[0] ppf = len(points) apf = len(analog) first_frame = self.first_frame if first_frame <= 0: # Bad value first_frame = 1 nframes = len(self._frames) last_frame = first_frame + nframes - 1 UINT16_MAX = 65535 # POINT group group = self.point_group group.set('USED', 'Number of point samples', 2, '<H', ppf) group.set('FRAMES', 'Total frame count', 2, '<H', min(UINT16_MAX, nframes)) if nframes >= UINT16_MAX: # Should be floating point group.set('LONG_FRAMES', 'Total frame count', 4, '<f', nframes) elif 'LONG_FRAMES' in group: # Docs states it should not exist if frame_count < 65535 group.remove_param('LONG_FRAMES') group.set('DATA_START', 'First data block containing frame samples.', 2, '<H', 0) group.set('SCALE', 'Point data scaling factor', 4, '<f', self.point_scale) group.set('RATE', 'Point data sample rate', 4, '<f', self.point_rate) # Optional if 'UNITS' not in group: group.add_str('UNITS', 'Units used for point data measurements.', 'mm') if 'DESCRIPTIONS' not in group: group.add_str('DESCRIPTIONS', 'Channel descriptions.', ' ' * ppf, 2, ppf) # ANALOG group group = self.analog_group group.set('USED', 'Analog channel count', 2, '<H', apf) group.set('RATE', 'Analog samples per second', 4, '<f', self.analog_rate) if 'GEN_SCALE' not in group: self.set_analog_general_scale(1.0) # Optional if 'SCALE' not in group: self.set_analog_scales(None) if 'OFFSET' not in group: self.set_analog_offsets(None) if 'DESCRIPTIONS' not in group: group.add_str('DESCRIPTIONS', 'Channel descriptions.', ' ' * apf, 2, apf) # TRIAL group self.set_start_frame(first_frame) self._set_last_frame(last_frame) # sync parameter information to header. start_block = self.parameter_blocks() + 2 self.get('POINT:DATA_START').bytes = struct.pack('<H', start_block) self._header.data_block = np.uint16(start_block) self._header.point_count = np.uint16(ppf) self._header.analog_count = np.uint16( self._write_metadata(handle) self._write_frames(handle) def _pad_block(self, handle): '''Pad the file with 0s to the end of the next block boundary.''' extra = handle.tell() % 512 if extra: handle.write(b'\x00' * (512 - extra)) def _write_metadata(self, handle): '''Write metadata to a file handle. Parameters ---------- handle : file Write metadata and C3D motion frames to the given file handle. The writer does not close the handle. ''' self._check_metadata() # Header self._header.write(handle) self._pad_block(handle) assert handle.tell() == 512 # Groups handle.write(struct.pack( 'BBBB', 0, 0, self.parameter_blocks(), self._dtypes.processor)) for group_id, group in self.listed(): group._data.write(group_id, handle) # Padding self._pad_block(handle) while handle.tell() != 512 * (self.header.data_block - 1): handle.write(b'\x00' * 512) def _write_frames(self, handle): '''Write our frame data to the given file handle. Parameters ---------- handle : file Write metadata and C3D motion frames to the given file handle. The writer does not close the handle. ''' assert handle.tell() == 512 * (self._header.data_block - 1) scale_mag = abs(self.point_scale) is_float = self.point_scale < 0 if is_float: point_dtype = self._dtypes.float32 point_scale = 1.0 else: point_dtype = self._dtypes.int16 point_scale = scale_mag raw = np.zeros((self.point_used, 4), point_dtype) analog_scales, analog_offsets = self.get_analog_transform() analog_scales_inv = 1.0 / analog_scales for points, analog in self._frames: # Transform point data valid = points[:, 3] >= 0.0 raw[~valid, 3] = -1 raw[valid, :3] = points[valid, :3] / point_scale raw[valid, 3] = np.bitwise_or(np.rint(points[valid, 3] / scale_mag).astype(np.uint8), (points[valid, 4].astype(np.uint16) << 8), dtype=np.uint16) # Transform analog data analog = analog * analog_scales_inv + analog_offsets analog = analog.T # Write analog = analog.astype(point_dtype) handle.write(raw.tobytes()) handle.write(analog.tobytes()) self._pad_block(handle)
Static methods
def from_reader(reader, conversion=None)
Convert a
to a persistentWriter
- Source to copy data from.
- Conversion mode, None is equivalent to the default mode. Supported modes are:
'convert' - (Default) Convert the Reader to a Writer instance and explicitly delete the Reader. 'copy' - Reader objects will be deep copied. 'copy_metadata' - Similar to 'copy' but only copies metadata and not point and analog frame data. 'copy_shallow' - Similar to 'copy' but group parameters are not copied. 'copy_header' - Similar to 'copy_shallow' but only the header is copied (frame data is not copied).
- If mode string is not equivalent to one of the supported modes. If attempting to convert non-Intel files using mode other than 'shallow_copy'.
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@staticmethod def from_reader(reader, conversion=None): ''' Convert a `c3d.reader.Reader` to a persistent `c3d.writer.Writer` instance. Parameters ---------- source : `c3d.reader.Reader` Source to copy data from. conversion : str Conversion mode, None is equivalent to the default mode. Supported modes are: 'convert' - (Default) Convert the Reader to a Writer instance and explicitly delete the Reader. 'copy' - Reader objects will be deep copied. 'copy_metadata' - Similar to 'copy' but only copies metadata and not point and analog frame data. 'copy_shallow' - Similar to 'copy' but group parameters are not copied. 'copy_header' - Similar to 'copy_shallow' but only the header is copied (frame data is not copied). Returns ------- param : `c3d.writer.Writer` A writeable and persistent representation of the `c3d.reader.Reader` object. Raises ------ ValueError If mode string is not equivalent to one of the supported modes. If attempting to convert non-Intel files using mode other than 'shallow_copy'. ''' writer = Writer() # Modes is_header_only = conversion == 'copy_header' is_meta_copy = conversion == 'copy_metadata' is_meta_only = is_header_only or is_meta_copy is_consume = conversion == 'convert' or conversion is None is_shallow_copy = conversion == 'shallow_copy' or is_header_only is_deep_copy = conversion == 'copy' or is_meta_copy # Verify mode if not (is_consume or is_shallow_copy or is_deep_copy): raise ValueError( "Unknown mode argument %s. Supported modes are: 'consume', 'copy', or 'shallow_copy'".format( conversion )) if not reader._dtypes.is_ieee and not is_shallow_copy: # Can't copy/consume non-Intel files due to the uncertainty of converting parameter data. raise ValueError( "File was read in %s format and only 'shallow_copy' mode is supported for non Intel files!".format( reader._dtypes.proc_type )) if is_consume: writer._header = reader._header writer._groups = reader._groups elif is_deep_copy: writer._header = copy.deepcopy(reader._header) writer._groups = copy.deepcopy(reader._groups) elif is_shallow_copy: # Only copy header (no groups) writer._header = copy.deepcopy(reader._header) # Reformat header events writer._header.encode_events( # Transfer a minimal set parameters writer.set_start_frame(reader.first_frame) writer.set_point_labels(reader.point_labels) writer.set_analog_labels(reader.analog_labels) gen_scale, analog_scales, analog_offsets = reader.get_analog_transform_parameters() writer.set_analog_general_scale(gen_scale) writer.set_analog_scales(analog_scales) writer.set_analog_offsets(analog_offsets) if not is_meta_only: # Copy frames for (i, point, analog) in reader.read_frames(copy=True, camera_sum=False): writer.add_frames((point, analog)) if is_consume: # Cleanup reader._header = None reader._groups = None del reader return writer
Instance variables
var analog_group
Get or create the ANALOG parameter group.
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@property def analog_group(self): ''' Get or create the ANALOG parameter group.''' return self.get_create('ANALOG')
var numeric_key_max
Get the largest numeric key.
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@property def numeric_key_max(self): ''' Get the largest numeric key. ''' num = 0 if len(self._groups) > 0: for i in self._groups.keys(): if isinstance(i, int): num = max(i, num) return num
var numeric_key_next
Get a new unique numeric group key.
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@property def numeric_key_next(self): ''' Get a new unique numeric group key. ''' return self.numeric_key_max + 1
var point_group
Get or create the POINT parameter group.
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@property def point_group(self): ''' Get or create the POINT parameter group.''' return self.get_create('POINT')
var trial_group
Get or create the TRIAL parameter group.
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@property def trial_group(self): ''' Get or create the TRIAL parameter group.''' return self.get_create('TRIAL')
def add_frames(self, frames, index=None)
Add frames to this writer instance.
of(point, analog) pairs
- A sequence or frame of frame data to add to the writer.
- Insert the frame or sequence at the index (the first sequence frame will be inserted at the given
). Note that the index should be relative to 0 rather then the frame number provided by read_frames()!
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def add_frames(self, frames, index=None): '''Add frames to this writer instance. Parameters ---------- frames : Single or sequence of (point, analog) pairs A sequence or frame of frame data to add to the writer. index : int or None Insert the frame or sequence at the index (the first sequence frame will be inserted at the given `index`). Note that the index should be relative to 0 rather then the frame number provided by read_frames()! ''' sh = np.shape(frames) # Single frame if len(sh) < 2: frames = [frames] sh = np.shape(frames) # Check data shapes match if len(self._frames) > 0: point0, analog0 = self._frames[0] psh, ash = np.shape(point0), np.shape(analog0) for f in frames: if np.shape(f[0]) != psh: raise ValueError( 'Shape of analog data does not previous frames. Expexted shape {}, was {}.'.format( str(psh), str(np.shape(f[0])) )) if np.shape(f[1]) != ash: raise ValueError( 'Shape of analog data does not previous frames. Expexted shape {}, was {}.'.format( str(ash), str(np.shape(f[1])) )) # Sequence of invalid shape if sh[1] != 2: raise ValueError( 'Expected frame input to be sequence of point and analog pairs on form (None, 2). ' + 'Input was of shape {}.'.format(str(sh))) if index is not None: self._frames[index:index] = frames else: self._frames.extend(frames)
def add_group(self, group_id, name, desc)
Add a new parameter group. See Manager.add_group() for more information.
- An editable group instance.
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def add_group(self, group_id, name, desc): '''Add a new parameter group. See Manager.add_group() for more information. Returns ------- group : `` An editable group instance. ''' return super(Writer, self)._add_group(group_id, name, desc)
def get_create(self, label)
Get or create a parameter
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def get_create(self, label): ''' Get or create a parameter ``.''' label = label.upper() group = self.get(label) if group is None: group = self.add_group(self.numeric_key_next, label, label + ' group') return group
def remove_group(self, *args)
Remove the parameter group. (see Manager._rename_group for args).
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def remove_group(self, *args): '''Remove the parameter group. (see Manager._rename_group for args). ''' super(Writer, self)._remove_group(*args)
def rename_group(self, *args)
Rename a specified parameter group (see Manager._rename_group for args).
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def rename_group(self, *args): ''' Rename a specified parameter group (see Manager._rename_group for args). ''' super(Writer, self)._rename_group(*args)
def set_analog_general_scale(self, value)
Set ANALOG:GEN_SCALE factor (uniform analog scale factor).
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def set_analog_general_scale(self, value): ''' Set ANALOG:GEN_SCALE factor (uniform analog scale factor). ''' self.analog_group.set('GEN_SCALE', 'Analog general scale factor', 4, '<f', value)
def set_analog_labels(self, labels)
Set analog data labels.
- Set ANALOG:LABELS parameter entry from a set of string labels.
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def set_analog_labels(self, labels): ''' Set analog data labels. Parameters ---------- labels : iterable Set ANALOG:LABELS parameter entry from a set of string labels. ''' grp = self.analog_group if labels is None: grp.add_empty_array('LABELS', 'Analog labels.') else: label_str, label_max_size = utils.pack_labels(labels) grp.add_str('LABELS', 'Analog labels.', label_str, label_max_size, len(labels))
def set_analog_offsets(self, values)
Set ANALOG:OFFSET offsets (per channel offset).
- Iterable containing individual offsets (int16) for encoding analog channel data.
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def set_analog_offsets(self, values): ''' Set ANALOG:OFFSET offsets (per channel offset). Parameters ---------- values : iterable or None Iterable containing individual offsets (int16) for encoding analog channel data. ''' if utils.is_iterable(values): data = np.array([v for v in values], dtype=np.int16) self.analog_group.set_array('OFFSET', 'Analog channel offsets', data) elif values is None: self.analog_group.set_empty_array('OFFSET', 'Analog channel offsets') else: raise ValueError('Expected iterable containing analog data offsets.')
def set_analog_scales(self, values)
Set ANALOG:SCALE factors (per channel scale factor).
- Iterable containing individual scale factors (float32) for scaling analog channel data.
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def set_analog_scales(self, values): ''' Set ANALOG:SCALE factors (per channel scale factor). Parameters ---------- values : iterable or None Iterable containing individual scale factors (float32) for scaling analog channel data. ''' if utils.is_iterable(values): data = np.array([v for v in values], dtype=np.float32) self.analog_group.set_array('SCALE', 'Analog channel scale factors', data) elif values is None: self.analog_group.set_empty_array('SCALE', 'Analog channel scale factors') else: raise ValueError('Expected iterable containing analog scale factors.')
def set_point_labels(self, labels)
Set point data labels.
- Set POINT:LABELS parameter entry from a set of string labels.
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def set_point_labels(self, labels): ''' Set point data labels. Parameters ---------- labels : iterable Set POINT:LABELS parameter entry from a set of string labels. ''' grp = self.point_group if labels is None: grp.add_empty_array('LABELS', 'Point labels.') else: label_str, label_max_size = utils.pack_labels(labels) grp.add_str('LABELS', 'Point labels.', label_str, label_max_size, len(labels))
def set_screen_axis(self, X='+X', Y='+Y')
Set the X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN parameters in the POINT group.
- Two byte string with first character indicating positive or negative axis (+/-), and the second axis (X/Y/Z). Example strings '+X' or '-Y'
- Second axis string with same format as Y. Determines the second Y screen axis.
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def set_screen_axis(self, X='+X', Y='+Y'): ''' Set the X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN parameters in the POINT group. Parameters ---------- X : str Two byte string with first character indicating positive or negative axis (+/-), and the second axis (X/Y/Z). Example strings '+X' or '-Y' Y : str Second axis string with same format as Y. Determines the second Y screen axis. ''' if len(X) != 2: raise ValueError('Expected string literal to be a 2 character string for the X_SCREEN parameter.') if len(Y) != 2: raise ValueError('Expected string literal to be a 2 character string for the Y_SCREEN parameter.') group = self.point_group group.set_str('X_SCREEN', 'X_SCREEN parameter', X) group.set_str('Y_SCREEN', 'Y_SCREEN parameter', Y)
def set_start_frame(self, frame=1)
Set the 'TRIAL:ACTUAL_START_FIELD' parameter and header.first_frame entry.
- Number for the first frame recorded in the file. Frame counter for a trial recording always start at 1 for the first frame.
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def set_start_frame(self, frame=1): ''' Set the 'TRIAL:ACTUAL_START_FIELD' parameter and header.first_frame entry. Parameters ---------- frame : int Number for the first frame recorded in the file. Frame counter for a trial recording always start at 1 for the first frame. ''' self.trial_group.set('ACTUAL_START_FIELD', 'Actual start frame', 2, '<I', frame, 2) if frame < 65535: self._header.first_frame = np.uint16(frame) else: self._header.first_frame = np.uint16(65535)
def write(self, handle)
Write metadata, point and analog frames to a file handle.
- Write metadata and C3D motion frames to the given file handle. The writer does not close the handle.
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def write(self, handle): '''Write metadata, point and analog frames to a file handle. Parameters ---------- handle : file Write metadata and C3D motion frames to the given file handle. The writer does not close the handle. ''' if not self._frames: raise RuntimeError('Attempted to write empty file.') points, analog = self._frames[0] ppf = len(points) apf = len(analog) first_frame = self.first_frame if first_frame <= 0: # Bad value first_frame = 1 nframes = len(self._frames) last_frame = first_frame + nframes - 1 UINT16_MAX = 65535 # POINT group group = self.point_group group.set('USED', 'Number of point samples', 2, '<H', ppf) group.set('FRAMES', 'Total frame count', 2, '<H', min(UINT16_MAX, nframes)) if nframes >= UINT16_MAX: # Should be floating point group.set('LONG_FRAMES', 'Total frame count', 4, '<f', nframes) elif 'LONG_FRAMES' in group: # Docs states it should not exist if frame_count < 65535 group.remove_param('LONG_FRAMES') group.set('DATA_START', 'First data block containing frame samples.', 2, '<H', 0) group.set('SCALE', 'Point data scaling factor', 4, '<f', self.point_scale) group.set('RATE', 'Point data sample rate', 4, '<f', self.point_rate) # Optional if 'UNITS' not in group: group.add_str('UNITS', 'Units used for point data measurements.', 'mm') if 'DESCRIPTIONS' not in group: group.add_str('DESCRIPTIONS', 'Channel descriptions.', ' ' * ppf, 2, ppf) # ANALOG group group = self.analog_group group.set('USED', 'Analog channel count', 2, '<H', apf) group.set('RATE', 'Analog samples per second', 4, '<f', self.analog_rate) if 'GEN_SCALE' not in group: self.set_analog_general_scale(1.0) # Optional if 'SCALE' not in group: self.set_analog_scales(None) if 'OFFSET' not in group: self.set_analog_offsets(None) if 'DESCRIPTIONS' not in group: group.add_str('DESCRIPTIONS', 'Channel descriptions.', ' ' * apf, 2, apf) # TRIAL group self.set_start_frame(first_frame) self._set_last_frame(last_frame) # sync parameter information to header. start_block = self.parameter_blocks() + 2 self.get('POINT:DATA_START').bytes = struct.pack('<H', start_block) self._header.data_block = np.uint16(start_block) self._header.point_count = np.uint16(ppf) self._header.analog_count = np.uint16( self._write_metadata(handle) self._write_frames(handle)
Inherited members