Module c3d.manager

Manager base class defining common attributes for both Reader and Writer instances.

Expand source code
''' Manager base class defining common attributes for both Reader and Writer instances.
import numpy as np
import warnings
from .header import Header
from .group import GroupData, GroupReadonly, Group
from .utils import is_integer, is_iterable

class Manager(object):
    '''A base class for managing C3D file metadata.

    This class manages a C3D header (which contains some stock metadata fields)
    as well as a set of parameter groups. Each group is accessible using its

    header : `c3d.header.Header`
        Header information for the C3D file.

    def __init__(self, header=None):
        '''Set up a new Manager with a Header.'''
        self._header = header or Header()
        self._groups = {}

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self._groups

    def items(self):
        ''' Get iterable over pairs of (str, ``) entries.
        return ((k, v) for k, v in self._groups.items() if isinstance(k, str))

    def values(self):
        ''' Get iterable over `` entries.
        return (v for k, v in self._groups.items() if isinstance(k, str))

    def keys(self):
        ''' Get iterable over parameter name keys.
        return (k for k in self._groups.keys() if isinstance(k, str))

    def listed(self):
        ''' Get iterable over pairs of (int, ``) entries.
        return sorted((i, g) for i, g in self._groups.items() if isinstance(i, int))

    def _check_metadata(self):
        ''' Ensure that the metadata in our file is self-consistent. '''
        assert self._header.point_count == self.point_used, (
            'inconsistent point count! {} header != {} POINT:USED'.format(

        assert self._header.scale_factor == self.point_scale, (
            'inconsistent scale factor! {} header != {} POINT:SCALE'.format(

        assert self._header.frame_rate == self.point_rate, (
            'inconsistent frame rate! {} header != {} POINT:RATE'.format(

        if self.point_rate:
            ratio = self.analog_rate / self.point_rate
            ratio = 0
        assert self._header.analog_per_frame == ratio, (
            'inconsistent analog rate! {} header != {} analog-fps / {} point-fps'.format(

        count = self.analog_used * self._header.analog_per_frame
        assert self._header.analog_count == count, (
            'inconsistent analog count! {} header != {} analog used * {} per-frame'.format(

            start = self.get('POINT:DATA_START').uint16_value
            if self._header.data_block != start:
                warnings.warn('inconsistent data block! {} header != {} POINT:DATA_START'.format(
                    self._header.data_block, start))
        except AttributeError:
            warnings.warn('''no pointer available in POINT:DATA_START indicating the start of the data block, using
                             header pointer as fallback''')

        def check_parameters(params):
            for name in params:
                if self.get(name) is None:
                    warnings.warn('missing parameter {}'.format(name))

        if self.point_used > 0:
            check_parameters(('POINT:LABELS', 'POINT:DESCRIPTIONS'))
            lab = self.get('POINT:LABELS')
            if lab is None:
                warnings.warn('No point data found in file.')
            elif lab.num_elements > 0:
                warnings.warn('No point data found in file, but file contains POINT:LABELS entries')
        if self.analog_used > 0:
            check_parameters(('ANALOG:LABELS', 'ANALOG:DESCRIPTIONS'))
            lab = self.get('ANALOG:LABELS')
            if lab is None:
                warnings.warn('No analog data found in file.')
            elif lab.num_elements > 0:
                warnings.warn('No analog data found in file, but file contains ANALOG:LABELS entries')

    def _add_group(self, group_id, name=None, desc=None):
        '''Add a new parameter group.

        group_id : int
            The numeric ID for a group to check or create.
        name : str, optional
            If a group is created, assign this name to the group.
        desc : str, optional
            If a group is created, assign this description to the group.

        group : :class:`Group`
            A group with the given ID, name, and description.

            Input arguments are of the wrong type.
            Name or numerical key already exist (attempt to overwrite existing data).
        if not is_integer(group_id):
            raise TypeError('Expected Group numerical key to be integer, was %s.' % type(group_id))
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            if name is not None:
                raise TypeError('Expected Group name key to be string, was %s.' % type(name))
            name = name.upper()
        group_id = int(group_id)  # Asserts python int
        if group_id in self._groups:
            raise KeyError('Group with numerical key {} already exists'.format(group_id))
        if name in self._groups:
            raise KeyError('No group matched name key {}'.format(name))
        group = self._groups[name] = self._groups[group_id] = Group(GroupData(self._dtypes, name, desc))
        return group

    def _remove_group(self, group_id):
        '''Remove the parameter group.

        group_id : int, or str
            The numeric or name ID key for a group to remove all entries for.
        grp = self._groups.get(group_id, None)
        if grp is None:
        gkeys = [k for (k, v) in self._groups.items() if v == grp]
        for k in gkeys:
            del self._groups[k]

    def _rename_group(self, group_id, new_group_id):
        ''' Rename a specified parameter group.

        group_id : int, str, or ``
            Group instance, name, or numerical identifier for the group.
        new_group_id : str, or int
            If string, it is the new name for the group. If integer, it will replace its numerical group id.

            If a group with a duplicate ID or name already exists.
        if isinstance(group_id, GroupReadonly):
            grp = group_id._data
            # Aquire instance using id
            grp = self._groups.get(group_id, None)
            if grp is None:
                raise KeyError('No group found matching the identifier: %s' % str(group_id))
        if new_group_id in self._groups:
            if new_group_id == group_id:
            raise ValueError('Key %s for group %s already exist.' % (str(new_group_id),

        # Clear old id
        if isinstance(new_group_id, (str, bytes)):
            if in self._groups:
                del self._groups[]
   = new_group_id
        elif is_integer(new_group_id):
            new_group_id = int(new_group_id)  # Ensure python int
            del self._groups[group_id]
            raise KeyError('Invalid group identifier of type: %s' % str(type(new_group_id)))
        # Update
        self._groups[new_group_id] = grp

    def get(self, group, default=None):
        '''Get a group or parameter.

        group : str
            If this string contains a period (.), then the part before the
            period will be used to retrieve a group, and the part after the
            period will be used to retrieve a parameter from that group. If this
            string does not contain a period, then just a group will be
        default : any
            Return this value if the named group and parameter are not found.

        value : `` or `c3d.parameter.Param`
            Either a group or parameter with the specified name(s). If neither
            is found, returns the default value.
        if is_integer(group):
            group = self._groups.get(int(group))
            if group is None:
                return default
            return group
        group = group.upper()
        param = None
        if '.' in group:
            group, param = group.split('.', 1)
        if ':' in group:
            group, param = group.split(':', 1)
        if group not in self._groups:
            return default
        group = self._groups[group]
        if param is not None:
            return group.get(param, default)
        return group

    def header(self) -> '`c3d.header.Header`':
        ''' Access to .c3d header data. '''
        return self._header

    def parameter_blocks(self) -> int:
        '''Compute the size (in 512B blocks) of the parameter section.'''
        bytes = 4. + sum(g._data.binary_size for g in self._groups.values())
        return int(np.ceil(bytes / 512))

    def point_rate(self) -> float:
        ''' Number of sampled 3D coordinates per second. '''
            return self.get_float('POINT:RATE')
        except AttributeError:
            return self.header.frame_rate

    def point_scale(self) -> float:
        ''' Scaling applied to non-float data. '''
            return self.get_float('POINT:SCALE')
        except AttributeError:
            return self.header.scale_factor

    def point_used(self) -> int:
        ''' Number of sampled 3D point coordinates per frame. '''
            return self.get_uint16('POINT:USED')
        except AttributeError:
            return self.header.point_count

    def analog_used(self) -> int:
        ''' Number of analog measurements, or channels, for each analog data sample. '''
            return self.get_uint16('ANALOG:USED')
        except AttributeError:
            per_frame = self.header.analog_per_frame
            if per_frame > 0:
                return int(self.header.analog_count / per_frame)
            return 0

    def analog_rate(self) -> float:
        '''  Number of analog data samples per second. '''
            return self.get_float('ANALOG:RATE')
        except AttributeError:
            return self.header.analog_per_frame * self.point_rate

    def analog_per_frame(self) -> int:
        '''  Number of analog frames per 3D frame (point sample). '''
        return int(self.analog_rate / self.point_rate)

    def analog_sample_count(self) -> int:
        ''' Number of analog samples per channel. '''
        has_analog = self.analog_used > 0
        return int(self.frame_count * self.analog_per_frame) * has_analog

    def point_labels(self) -> list:
        ''' Labels for each POINT data channel. '''
        return self.get('POINT:LABELS').string_array

    def analog_labels(self) -> list:
        ''' Labels for each ANALOG data channel. '''
        return self.get('ANALOG:LABELS').string_array

    def frame_count(self) -> int:
        ''' Number of frames recorded in the data. '''
        return self.last_frame - self.first_frame + 1  # Add 1 since range is inclusive [first, last]

    def first_frame(self) -> int:
        ''' Trial frame corresponding to the first frame recorded in the data. '''
        # Start frame seems to be less of an issue to determine.
        # this is a hack for phasespace files ... should put it in a subclass.
        param = self.get('TRIAL:ACTUAL_START_FIELD')
        if param is not None:
            # ACTUAL_START_FIELD is encoded in two 16 byte words...
            return param.uint32_value
        return self.header.first_frame

    def last_frame(self) -> int:
        ''' Trial frame corresponding to the last frame recorded in the data (inclusive). '''
        # Number of frames can be represented in many formats, first check if valid header values
        #if self.header.first_frame < self.header.last_frame and self.header.last_frame != 65535:
        #    return self.header.last_frame

        # Try different parameters where the frame can be encoded
        hlf = self.header.last_frame
        param = self.get('TRIAL:ACTUAL_END_FIELD')
        if param is not None:
            # Encoded as 2 16 bit words (rather then 1 32 bit word)
            # words = param.uint16_array
            # end_frame[1] = words[0] + words[1] * 65536
            end_frame = param.uint32_value
            if hlf <= end_frame:
                return end_frame
        param = self.get('POINT:LONG_FRAMES')
        if param is not None:
            # 'Should be' encoded as float
            if param.bytes_per_element >= 4:
                end_frame = int(param.float_value)
                end_frame = param.uint16_value
            if hlf <= end_frame:
                return end_frame
        param = self.get('POINT:FRAMES')
        if param is not None:
            # Can be encoded either as 32 bit float or 16 bit uint
            if param.bytes_per_element == 4:
                end_frame = int(param.float_value)
                end_frame = param.uint16_value
            if hlf <= end_frame:
                return end_frame
        # Return header value by default
        return hlf

    def get_screen_xy_strings(self):
        ''' Get the POINT:X_SCREEN and POINT:Y_SCREEN parameters as strings.

        See `Manager.get_screen_xy_axis` to get numpy vectors instead.

        value : (str, str) or None
            Touple containing X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN strings, or None (if no parameters could be found).
        X = self.get('POINT:X_SCREEN')
        Y = self.get('POINT:Y_SCREEN')
        if X and Y:
            return (X.string_value, Y.string_value)
        return None

    def get_screen_xy_axis(self):
        ''' Get the POINT:X_SCREEN and POINT:Y_SCREEN parameters as unit row vectors.

        Z axis can be computed using the cross product:

        $$ z = x \\times y $$

        To move a point coordinate $p_s$ as read from `c3d.reader.Reader.read_frames` out of the system basis do:

        $$ p = | x^T y^T z^T |^T p_s  $$

        See `Manager.get_screen_xy_strings` to get the parameter as string values instead.

        value : ([3,], [3,]) or None
            Touple $(x, y)$ containing X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN as row vectors, or None.
        # Axis conversion dictionary.
        AXIS_DICT = {
            'X': np.array([1.0, 0, 0]),
            '+X': np.array([1.0, 0, 0]),
            '-X': np.array([-1.0, 0, 0]),
            'Y': np.array([0, 1.0, 0]),
            '+Y': np.array([0, 1.0, 0]),
            '-Y': np.array([0, -1.0, 0]),
            'Z': np.array([0, 0, 1.0]),
            '+Z': np.array([0, 0, 1.0]),
            '-Z': np.array([0, 0, -1.0]),

        val = self.get_screen_xy_strings()
        if val is None:
            return None
        axis_x, axis_y = val

        # Interpret using both X/Y_SCREEN
        return AXIS_DICT[axis_x], AXIS_DICT[axis_y]

    def get_analog_transform_parameters(self):
        ''' Parse analog data transform parameters. '''
        # Offsets
        analog_offsets = np.zeros((self.analog_used), int)
        param = self.get('ANALOG:OFFSET')
        if param is not None and param.num_elements > 0:
            analog_offsets[:] = param.int16_array[:self.analog_used]

        # Scale factors
        analog_scales = np.ones((self.analog_used), float)
        gen_scale = 1.
        param = self.get('ANALOG:GEN_SCALE')
        if param is not None:
            gen_scale = param.float_value
        param = self.get('ANALOG:SCALE')
        if param is not None and param.num_elements > 0:
            analog_scales[:] = param.float_array[:self.analog_used]

        return gen_scale, analog_scales, analog_offsets

    def get_analog_transform(self):
        ''' Get broadcastable analog transformation parameters.
        gen_scale, analog_scales, analog_offsets = self.get_analog_transform_parameters()
        analog_scales *= gen_scale
        analog_scales = np.broadcast_to(analog_scales[:, np.newaxis], (self.analog_used, self.analog_per_frame))
        analog_offsets = np.broadcast_to(analog_offsets[:, np.newaxis], (self.analog_used, self.analog_per_frame))
        return analog_scales, analog_offsets


class Manager (header=None)

A base class for managing C3D file metadata.

This class manages a C3D header (which contains some stock metadata fields) as well as a set of parameter groups. Each group is accessible using its name.


header : Header
Header information for the C3D file.

Set up a new Manager with a Header.

Expand source code
class Manager(object):
    '''A base class for managing C3D file metadata.

    This class manages a C3D header (which contains some stock metadata fields)
    as well as a set of parameter groups. Each group is accessible using its

    header : `c3d.header.Header`
        Header information for the C3D file.

    def __init__(self, header=None):
        '''Set up a new Manager with a Header.'''
        self._header = header or Header()
        self._groups = {}

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self._groups

    def items(self):
        ''' Get iterable over pairs of (str, ``) entries.
        return ((k, v) for k, v in self._groups.items() if isinstance(k, str))

    def values(self):
        ''' Get iterable over `` entries.
        return (v for k, v in self._groups.items() if isinstance(k, str))

    def keys(self):
        ''' Get iterable over parameter name keys.
        return (k for k in self._groups.keys() if isinstance(k, str))

    def listed(self):
        ''' Get iterable over pairs of (int, ``) entries.
        return sorted((i, g) for i, g in self._groups.items() if isinstance(i, int))

    def _check_metadata(self):
        ''' Ensure that the metadata in our file is self-consistent. '''
        assert self._header.point_count == self.point_used, (
            'inconsistent point count! {} header != {} POINT:USED'.format(

        assert self._header.scale_factor == self.point_scale, (
            'inconsistent scale factor! {} header != {} POINT:SCALE'.format(

        assert self._header.frame_rate == self.point_rate, (
            'inconsistent frame rate! {} header != {} POINT:RATE'.format(

        if self.point_rate:
            ratio = self.analog_rate / self.point_rate
            ratio = 0
        assert self._header.analog_per_frame == ratio, (
            'inconsistent analog rate! {} header != {} analog-fps / {} point-fps'.format(

        count = self.analog_used * self._header.analog_per_frame
        assert self._header.analog_count == count, (
            'inconsistent analog count! {} header != {} analog used * {} per-frame'.format(

            start = self.get('POINT:DATA_START').uint16_value
            if self._header.data_block != start:
                warnings.warn('inconsistent data block! {} header != {} POINT:DATA_START'.format(
                    self._header.data_block, start))
        except AttributeError:
            warnings.warn('''no pointer available in POINT:DATA_START indicating the start of the data block, using
                             header pointer as fallback''')

        def check_parameters(params):
            for name in params:
                if self.get(name) is None:
                    warnings.warn('missing parameter {}'.format(name))

        if self.point_used > 0:
            check_parameters(('POINT:LABELS', 'POINT:DESCRIPTIONS'))
            lab = self.get('POINT:LABELS')
            if lab is None:
                warnings.warn('No point data found in file.')
            elif lab.num_elements > 0:
                warnings.warn('No point data found in file, but file contains POINT:LABELS entries')
        if self.analog_used > 0:
            check_parameters(('ANALOG:LABELS', 'ANALOG:DESCRIPTIONS'))
            lab = self.get('ANALOG:LABELS')
            if lab is None:
                warnings.warn('No analog data found in file.')
            elif lab.num_elements > 0:
                warnings.warn('No analog data found in file, but file contains ANALOG:LABELS entries')

    def _add_group(self, group_id, name=None, desc=None):
        '''Add a new parameter group.

        group_id : int
            The numeric ID for a group to check or create.
        name : str, optional
            If a group is created, assign this name to the group.
        desc : str, optional
            If a group is created, assign this description to the group.

        group : :class:`Group`
            A group with the given ID, name, and description.

            Input arguments are of the wrong type.
            Name or numerical key already exist (attempt to overwrite existing data).
        if not is_integer(group_id):
            raise TypeError('Expected Group numerical key to be integer, was %s.' % type(group_id))
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            if name is not None:
                raise TypeError('Expected Group name key to be string, was %s.' % type(name))
            name = name.upper()
        group_id = int(group_id)  # Asserts python int
        if group_id in self._groups:
            raise KeyError('Group with numerical key {} already exists'.format(group_id))
        if name in self._groups:
            raise KeyError('No group matched name key {}'.format(name))
        group = self._groups[name] = self._groups[group_id] = Group(GroupData(self._dtypes, name, desc))
        return group

    def _remove_group(self, group_id):
        '''Remove the parameter group.

        group_id : int, or str
            The numeric or name ID key for a group to remove all entries for.
        grp = self._groups.get(group_id, None)
        if grp is None:
        gkeys = [k for (k, v) in self._groups.items() if v == grp]
        for k in gkeys:
            del self._groups[k]

    def _rename_group(self, group_id, new_group_id):
        ''' Rename a specified parameter group.

        group_id : int, str, or ``
            Group instance, name, or numerical identifier for the group.
        new_group_id : str, or int
            If string, it is the new name for the group. If integer, it will replace its numerical group id.

            If a group with a duplicate ID or name already exists.
        if isinstance(group_id, GroupReadonly):
            grp = group_id._data
            # Aquire instance using id
            grp = self._groups.get(group_id, None)
            if grp is None:
                raise KeyError('No group found matching the identifier: %s' % str(group_id))
        if new_group_id in self._groups:
            if new_group_id == group_id:
            raise ValueError('Key %s for group %s already exist.' % (str(new_group_id),

        # Clear old id
        if isinstance(new_group_id, (str, bytes)):
            if in self._groups:
                del self._groups[]
   = new_group_id
        elif is_integer(new_group_id):
            new_group_id = int(new_group_id)  # Ensure python int
            del self._groups[group_id]
            raise KeyError('Invalid group identifier of type: %s' % str(type(new_group_id)))
        # Update
        self._groups[new_group_id] = grp

    def get(self, group, default=None):
        '''Get a group or parameter.

        group : str
            If this string contains a period (.), then the part before the
            period will be used to retrieve a group, and the part after the
            period will be used to retrieve a parameter from that group. If this
            string does not contain a period, then just a group will be
        default : any
            Return this value if the named group and parameter are not found.

        value : `` or `c3d.parameter.Param`
            Either a group or parameter with the specified name(s). If neither
            is found, returns the default value.
        if is_integer(group):
            group = self._groups.get(int(group))
            if group is None:
                return default
            return group
        group = group.upper()
        param = None
        if '.' in group:
            group, param = group.split('.', 1)
        if ':' in group:
            group, param = group.split(':', 1)
        if group not in self._groups:
            return default
        group = self._groups[group]
        if param is not None:
            return group.get(param, default)
        return group

    def header(self) -> '`c3d.header.Header`':
        ''' Access to .c3d header data. '''
        return self._header

    def parameter_blocks(self) -> int:
        '''Compute the size (in 512B blocks) of the parameter section.'''
        bytes = 4. + sum(g._data.binary_size for g in self._groups.values())
        return int(np.ceil(bytes / 512))

    def point_rate(self) -> float:
        ''' Number of sampled 3D coordinates per second. '''
            return self.get_float('POINT:RATE')
        except AttributeError:
            return self.header.frame_rate

    def point_scale(self) -> float:
        ''' Scaling applied to non-float data. '''
            return self.get_float('POINT:SCALE')
        except AttributeError:
            return self.header.scale_factor

    def point_used(self) -> int:
        ''' Number of sampled 3D point coordinates per frame. '''
            return self.get_uint16('POINT:USED')
        except AttributeError:
            return self.header.point_count

    def analog_used(self) -> int:
        ''' Number of analog measurements, or channels, for each analog data sample. '''
            return self.get_uint16('ANALOG:USED')
        except AttributeError:
            per_frame = self.header.analog_per_frame
            if per_frame > 0:
                return int(self.header.analog_count / per_frame)
            return 0

    def analog_rate(self) -> float:
        '''  Number of analog data samples per second. '''
            return self.get_float('ANALOG:RATE')
        except AttributeError:
            return self.header.analog_per_frame * self.point_rate

    def analog_per_frame(self) -> int:
        '''  Number of analog frames per 3D frame (point sample). '''
        return int(self.analog_rate / self.point_rate)

    def analog_sample_count(self) -> int:
        ''' Number of analog samples per channel. '''
        has_analog = self.analog_used > 0
        return int(self.frame_count * self.analog_per_frame) * has_analog

    def point_labels(self) -> list:
        ''' Labels for each POINT data channel. '''
        return self.get('POINT:LABELS').string_array

    def analog_labels(self) -> list:
        ''' Labels for each ANALOG data channel. '''
        return self.get('ANALOG:LABELS').string_array

    def frame_count(self) -> int:
        ''' Number of frames recorded in the data. '''
        return self.last_frame - self.first_frame + 1  # Add 1 since range is inclusive [first, last]

    def first_frame(self) -> int:
        ''' Trial frame corresponding to the first frame recorded in the data. '''
        # Start frame seems to be less of an issue to determine.
        # this is a hack for phasespace files ... should put it in a subclass.
        param = self.get('TRIAL:ACTUAL_START_FIELD')
        if param is not None:
            # ACTUAL_START_FIELD is encoded in two 16 byte words...
            return param.uint32_value
        return self.header.first_frame

    def last_frame(self) -> int:
        ''' Trial frame corresponding to the last frame recorded in the data (inclusive). '''
        # Number of frames can be represented in many formats, first check if valid header values
        #if self.header.first_frame < self.header.last_frame and self.header.last_frame != 65535:
        #    return self.header.last_frame

        # Try different parameters where the frame can be encoded
        hlf = self.header.last_frame
        param = self.get('TRIAL:ACTUAL_END_FIELD')
        if param is not None:
            # Encoded as 2 16 bit words (rather then 1 32 bit word)
            # words = param.uint16_array
            # end_frame[1] = words[0] + words[1] * 65536
            end_frame = param.uint32_value
            if hlf <= end_frame:
                return end_frame
        param = self.get('POINT:LONG_FRAMES')
        if param is not None:
            # 'Should be' encoded as float
            if param.bytes_per_element >= 4:
                end_frame = int(param.float_value)
                end_frame = param.uint16_value
            if hlf <= end_frame:
                return end_frame
        param = self.get('POINT:FRAMES')
        if param is not None:
            # Can be encoded either as 32 bit float or 16 bit uint
            if param.bytes_per_element == 4:
                end_frame = int(param.float_value)
                end_frame = param.uint16_value
            if hlf <= end_frame:
                return end_frame
        # Return header value by default
        return hlf

    def get_screen_xy_strings(self):
        ''' Get the POINT:X_SCREEN and POINT:Y_SCREEN parameters as strings.

        See `Manager.get_screen_xy_axis` to get numpy vectors instead.

        value : (str, str) or None
            Touple containing X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN strings, or None (if no parameters could be found).
        X = self.get('POINT:X_SCREEN')
        Y = self.get('POINT:Y_SCREEN')
        if X and Y:
            return (X.string_value, Y.string_value)
        return None

    def get_screen_xy_axis(self):
        ''' Get the POINT:X_SCREEN and POINT:Y_SCREEN parameters as unit row vectors.

        Z axis can be computed using the cross product:

        $$ z = x \\times y $$

        To move a point coordinate $p_s$ as read from `c3d.reader.Reader.read_frames` out of the system basis do:

        $$ p = | x^T y^T z^T |^T p_s  $$

        See `Manager.get_screen_xy_strings` to get the parameter as string values instead.

        value : ([3,], [3,]) or None
            Touple $(x, y)$ containing X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN as row vectors, or None.
        # Axis conversion dictionary.
        AXIS_DICT = {
            'X': np.array([1.0, 0, 0]),
            '+X': np.array([1.0, 0, 0]),
            '-X': np.array([-1.0, 0, 0]),
            'Y': np.array([0, 1.0, 0]),
            '+Y': np.array([0, 1.0, 0]),
            '-Y': np.array([0, -1.0, 0]),
            'Z': np.array([0, 0, 1.0]),
            '+Z': np.array([0, 0, 1.0]),
            '-Z': np.array([0, 0, -1.0]),

        val = self.get_screen_xy_strings()
        if val is None:
            return None
        axis_x, axis_y = val

        # Interpret using both X/Y_SCREEN
        return AXIS_DICT[axis_x], AXIS_DICT[axis_y]

    def get_analog_transform_parameters(self):
        ''' Parse analog data transform parameters. '''
        # Offsets
        analog_offsets = np.zeros((self.analog_used), int)
        param = self.get('ANALOG:OFFSET')
        if param is not None and param.num_elements > 0:
            analog_offsets[:] = param.int16_array[:self.analog_used]

        # Scale factors
        analog_scales = np.ones((self.analog_used), float)
        gen_scale = 1.
        param = self.get('ANALOG:GEN_SCALE')
        if param is not None:
            gen_scale = param.float_value
        param = self.get('ANALOG:SCALE')
        if param is not None and param.num_elements > 0:
            analog_scales[:] = param.float_array[:self.analog_used]

        return gen_scale, analog_scales, analog_offsets

    def get_analog_transform(self):
        ''' Get broadcastable analog transformation parameters.
        gen_scale, analog_scales, analog_offsets = self.get_analog_transform_parameters()
        analog_scales *= gen_scale
        analog_scales = np.broadcast_to(analog_scales[:, np.newaxis], (self.analog_used, self.analog_per_frame))
        analog_offsets = np.broadcast_to(analog_offsets[:, np.newaxis], (self.analog_used, self.analog_per_frame))
        return analog_scales, analog_offsets


Instance variables

var analog_labels : list

Labels for each ANALOG data channel.

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def analog_labels(self) -> list:
    ''' Labels for each ANALOG data channel. '''
    return self.get('ANALOG:LABELS').string_array
var analog_per_frame : int

Number of analog frames per 3D frame (point sample).

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def analog_per_frame(self) -> int:
    '''  Number of analog frames per 3D frame (point sample). '''
    return int(self.analog_rate / self.point_rate)
var analog_rate : float

Number of analog data samples per second.

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def analog_rate(self) -> float:
    '''  Number of analog data samples per second. '''
        return self.get_float('ANALOG:RATE')
    except AttributeError:
        return self.header.analog_per_frame * self.point_rate
var analog_sample_count : int

Number of analog samples per channel.

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def analog_sample_count(self) -> int:
    ''' Number of analog samples per channel. '''
    has_analog = self.analog_used > 0
    return int(self.frame_count * self.analog_per_frame) * has_analog
var analog_used : int

Number of analog measurements, or channels, for each analog data sample.

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def analog_used(self) -> int:
    ''' Number of analog measurements, or channels, for each analog data sample. '''
        return self.get_uint16('ANALOG:USED')
    except AttributeError:
        per_frame = self.header.analog_per_frame
        if per_frame > 0:
            return int(self.header.analog_count / per_frame)
        return 0
var first_frame : int

Trial frame corresponding to the first frame recorded in the data.

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def first_frame(self) -> int:
    ''' Trial frame corresponding to the first frame recorded in the data. '''
    # Start frame seems to be less of an issue to determine.
    # this is a hack for phasespace files ... should put it in a subclass.
    param = self.get('TRIAL:ACTUAL_START_FIELD')
    if param is not None:
        # ACTUAL_START_FIELD is encoded in two 16 byte words...
        return param.uint32_value
    return self.header.first_frame
var frame_count : int

Number of frames recorded in the data.

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def frame_count(self) -> int:
    ''' Number of frames recorded in the data. '''
    return self.last_frame - self.first_frame + 1  # Add 1 since range is inclusive [first, last]
var header : `Header`

Access to .c3d header data.

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def header(self) -> '`c3d.header.Header`':
    ''' Access to .c3d header data. '''
    return self._header
var last_frame : int

Trial frame corresponding to the last frame recorded in the data (inclusive).

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def last_frame(self) -> int:
    ''' Trial frame corresponding to the last frame recorded in the data (inclusive). '''
    # Number of frames can be represented in many formats, first check if valid header values
    #if self.header.first_frame < self.header.last_frame and self.header.last_frame != 65535:
    #    return self.header.last_frame

    # Try different parameters where the frame can be encoded
    hlf = self.header.last_frame
    param = self.get('TRIAL:ACTUAL_END_FIELD')
    if param is not None:
        # Encoded as 2 16 bit words (rather then 1 32 bit word)
        # words = param.uint16_array
        # end_frame[1] = words[0] + words[1] * 65536
        end_frame = param.uint32_value
        if hlf <= end_frame:
            return end_frame
    param = self.get('POINT:LONG_FRAMES')
    if param is not None:
        # 'Should be' encoded as float
        if param.bytes_per_element >= 4:
            end_frame = int(param.float_value)
            end_frame = param.uint16_value
        if hlf <= end_frame:
            return end_frame
    param = self.get('POINT:FRAMES')
    if param is not None:
        # Can be encoded either as 32 bit float or 16 bit uint
        if param.bytes_per_element == 4:
            end_frame = int(param.float_value)
            end_frame = param.uint16_value
        if hlf <= end_frame:
            return end_frame
    # Return header value by default
    return hlf
var point_labels : list

Labels for each POINT data channel.

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def point_labels(self) -> list:
    ''' Labels for each POINT data channel. '''
    return self.get('POINT:LABELS').string_array
var point_rate : float

Number of sampled 3D coordinates per second.

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def point_rate(self) -> float:
    ''' Number of sampled 3D coordinates per second. '''
        return self.get_float('POINT:RATE')
    except AttributeError:
        return self.header.frame_rate
var point_scale : float

Scaling applied to non-float data.

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def point_scale(self) -> float:
    ''' Scaling applied to non-float data. '''
        return self.get_float('POINT:SCALE')
    except AttributeError:
        return self.header.scale_factor
var point_used : int

Number of sampled 3D point coordinates per frame.

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def point_used(self) -> int:
    ''' Number of sampled 3D point coordinates per frame. '''
        return self.get_uint16('POINT:USED')
    except AttributeError:
        return self.header.point_count


def get(self, group, default=None)

Get a group or parameter.


group : str
If this string contains a period (.), then the part before the period will be used to retrieve a group, and the part after the period will be used to retrieve a parameter from that group. If this string does not contain a period, then just a group will be returned.
default : any
Return this value if the named group and parameter are not found.


value : Group or Param
Either a group or parameter with the specified name(s). If neither is found, returns the default value.
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def get(self, group, default=None):
    '''Get a group or parameter.

    group : str
        If this string contains a period (.), then the part before the
        period will be used to retrieve a group, and the part after the
        period will be used to retrieve a parameter from that group. If this
        string does not contain a period, then just a group will be
    default : any
        Return this value if the named group and parameter are not found.

    value : `` or `c3d.parameter.Param`
        Either a group or parameter with the specified name(s). If neither
        is found, returns the default value.
    if is_integer(group):
        group = self._groups.get(int(group))
        if group is None:
            return default
        return group
    group = group.upper()
    param = None
    if '.' in group:
        group, param = group.split('.', 1)
    if ':' in group:
        group, param = group.split(':', 1)
    if group not in self._groups:
        return default
    group = self._groups[group]
    if param is not None:
        return group.get(param, default)
    return group
def get_analog_transform(self)

Get broadcastable analog transformation parameters.

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def get_analog_transform(self):
    ''' Get broadcastable analog transformation parameters.
    gen_scale, analog_scales, analog_offsets = self.get_analog_transform_parameters()
    analog_scales *= gen_scale
    analog_scales = np.broadcast_to(analog_scales[:, np.newaxis], (self.analog_used, self.analog_per_frame))
    analog_offsets = np.broadcast_to(analog_offsets[:, np.newaxis], (self.analog_used, self.analog_per_frame))
    return analog_scales, analog_offsets
def get_analog_transform_parameters(self)

Parse analog data transform parameters.

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def get_analog_transform_parameters(self):
    ''' Parse analog data transform parameters. '''
    # Offsets
    analog_offsets = np.zeros((self.analog_used), int)
    param = self.get('ANALOG:OFFSET')
    if param is not None and param.num_elements > 0:
        analog_offsets[:] = param.int16_array[:self.analog_used]

    # Scale factors
    analog_scales = np.ones((self.analog_used), float)
    gen_scale = 1.
    param = self.get('ANALOG:GEN_SCALE')
    if param is not None:
        gen_scale = param.float_value
    param = self.get('ANALOG:SCALE')
    if param is not None and param.num_elements > 0:
        analog_scales[:] = param.float_array[:self.analog_used]

    return gen_scale, analog_scales, analog_offsets
def get_screen_xy_axis(self)

Get the POINT:X_SCREEN and POINT:Y_SCREEN parameters as unit row vectors.

Z axis can be computed using the cross product:

z = x \times y

To move a point coordinate $p_s$ as read from Reader.read_frames() out of the system basis do:

p = | x^T y^T z^T |^T p_s

See Manager.get_screen_xy_strings() to get the parameter as string values instead.


value : ([3,], [3,]) or None
Touple $(x, y)$ containing X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN as row vectors, or None.
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def get_screen_xy_axis(self):
    ''' Get the POINT:X_SCREEN and POINT:Y_SCREEN parameters as unit row vectors.

    Z axis can be computed using the cross product:

    $$ z = x \\times y $$

    To move a point coordinate $p_s$ as read from `c3d.reader.Reader.read_frames` out of the system basis do:

    $$ p = | x^T y^T z^T |^T p_s  $$

    See `Manager.get_screen_xy_strings` to get the parameter as string values instead.

    value : ([3,], [3,]) or None
        Touple $(x, y)$ containing X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN as row vectors, or None.
    # Axis conversion dictionary.
    AXIS_DICT = {
        'X': np.array([1.0, 0, 0]),
        '+X': np.array([1.0, 0, 0]),
        '-X': np.array([-1.0, 0, 0]),
        'Y': np.array([0, 1.0, 0]),
        '+Y': np.array([0, 1.0, 0]),
        '-Y': np.array([0, -1.0, 0]),
        'Z': np.array([0, 0, 1.0]),
        '+Z': np.array([0, 0, 1.0]),
        '-Z': np.array([0, 0, -1.0]),

    val = self.get_screen_xy_strings()
    if val is None:
        return None
    axis_x, axis_y = val

    # Interpret using both X/Y_SCREEN
    return AXIS_DICT[axis_x], AXIS_DICT[axis_y]
def get_screen_xy_strings(self)

Get the POINT:X_SCREEN and POINT:Y_SCREEN parameters as strings.

See Manager.get_screen_xy_axis() to get numpy vectors instead.


value : (str, str) or None
Touple containing X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN strings, or None (if no parameters could be found).
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def get_screen_xy_strings(self):
    ''' Get the POINT:X_SCREEN and POINT:Y_SCREEN parameters as strings.

    See `Manager.get_screen_xy_axis` to get numpy vectors instead.

    value : (str, str) or None
        Touple containing X_SCREEN and Y_SCREEN strings, or None (if no parameters could be found).
    X = self.get('POINT:X_SCREEN')
    Y = self.get('POINT:Y_SCREEN')
    if X and Y:
        return (X.string_value, Y.string_value)
    return None
def items(self)

Get iterable over pairs of (str, Group) entries.

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def items(self):
    ''' Get iterable over pairs of (str, ``) entries.
    return ((k, v) for k, v in self._groups.items() if isinstance(k, str))
def keys(self)

Get iterable over parameter name keys.

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def keys(self):
    ''' Get iterable over parameter name keys.
    return (k for k in self._groups.keys() if isinstance(k, str))
def listed(self)

Get iterable over pairs of (int, Group) entries.

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def listed(self):
    ''' Get iterable over pairs of (int, ``) entries.
    return sorted((i, g) for i, g in self._groups.items() if isinstance(i, int))
def parameter_blocks(self) ‑> int

Compute the size (in 512B blocks) of the parameter section.

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def parameter_blocks(self) -> int:
    '''Compute the size (in 512B blocks) of the parameter section.'''
    bytes = 4. + sum(g._data.binary_size for g in self._groups.values())
    return int(np.ceil(bytes / 512))
def values(self)

Get iterable over Group entries.

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def values(self):
    ''' Get iterable over `` entries.
    return (v for k, v in self._groups.items() if isinstance(k, str))